2008年, 第38卷, 第5期 刊出日期:2008-10-10

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  • 张静, 许景升, 吴茂森, 何晨阳
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 449-455.
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    为了阐明水稻白叶枯病菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae,简称Xoo)鞭毛生物合成及运动性的调控机理,本研究首先通过基因克隆、序列分析、缺失突变及表型测定,对转录调控因子fleQxoo和编码σ54因子的基因rpoNxoo进行了分子鉴定。通过基因特异性扩增,成功地从Xoo菌株PXO99A中克隆了fleQxoorpoNxoo。其基因序列与其它黄单胞病原菌中的同源序列高度保守。FleQxoo是NtrC家族激活蛋白成员之一,具有与σ54作用的结构域和DNA结合保守结构域(HTH)。用标记交换法构建了△fleQxoo和△rpoNxoo基因缺失突变体。与PXO99A相比,△fleQxoo和△rpoNxoo鞭毛产生能力丧失,运动性减弱,基因互补可以使之恢复;但其胞外纤维素酶和木聚糖酶活性以及对烟草叶片组织的致敏性无明显改变。因此,FleQxoo和σ54主要参与了鞭毛生物合成及其运动性的调控。
  • 梁艳, 宋荣浩, 杨翠云, 陆金萍, 蒋军喜, 戴富明
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 456-461.
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  • 细胞生物学、生理学、生物化学、分子生物学
  • 张震, 王教瑜, 杜新法, 柴荣耀, 毛雪琴, 邱海萍, 孙国昌
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 462-467.
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    以稻曲病菌菌丝和薄壁分生孢子提取的总RNA为起始模板,利用SMART cDNA library construction kit构建稻曲病菌cDNA文库,并分析文库质量。结果显示,未扩增文库滴度9.03×106pfu/mL,重组率为99.5%,扩增后文库滴度达5.52×109pfu/mL。随机挑取10个噬菌斑转化成质粒,SfiⅠ酶切显示插入片段长度在400-2000bp之间;经测序得到10条表达序列标签(EST),GenBank数据库相似性联配结果显示6条EST具有同源序列。其中,克隆R2为乙酰胺酶同源物编码蛋白。
  • 李云, 宋云枝, 朱常香, 温孚江
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 468-477.
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    以马铃薯Y病毒坏死株系(PVYN)的外壳蛋白(coat protein,CP)基因3'端50bp片段为hpRNA的茎,以pUC19不同长度的序列为hpRNA的环,构建了茎环比例分别为4:1、2:1、1:1、1:2、1:4和1:8的植物表达载体。利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草品种NC89,获得了多种转基因植株。室内抗病性检测发现:不同茎环比例的hpRNA介导的病毒抗性效率不同;茎环比例为4:1、2:1和1:1时效率较高,抗性植株的比例达60%左右;随着环长度的逐渐增加,抗性植株的比例逐渐降低;当茎环比例为1:8时,抗性植株的比例仅为9.52%。Southern blot分析结果表明:外源基因已整合于烟草的基因组中,且转基因植株的抗病性与转基因的拷贝数之间无明显的相关性。Northern blot分析结果表明:目的片段转录产物的积累量与植株的抗病性呈负相关,证明所获得的抗病性是RNA介导的。
  • 徐晓忠, 刘庆坡, 樊龙江, 周雪平
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 478-488.
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  • 李黎, 李世访, 郭立华, 吴祖建, 王红清
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 489-495.
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    将来自粟酒裂殖酵母的pac 1基因,导入原核表达载体pET-5a中,并转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)pLysS,经IPTG诱导,其表达产物能够降解4种植物病毒Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)、Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV)、Rice black-streaked dwarf(RBSDV)和Rice dwarf virus(RDV)和3种类病毒Apple scar skin viroid(ASSVd)、Coleus blumei viroid(CBVd)和Hopstunt viroid(HSVd)的dsRNA。将pac 1导入双元载体pBI121,并转入根癌农杆菌LBA4404,以烟草(品种NC89)组培苗的叶片为受体材料进行转化,经过诱导愈伤、分化、再生和筛选培养,获得了50株Kan抗性植株,收获T1种子分别播种,对这些转基因植株进行分子生物学检测。PCR、PCR-Southern和RT-PCR检测结果表明,pac 1基因已整合到受体基因组中。
  • 于鹏飞, 武侠, 张成敏, 赵洪海, 才秀华
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 496-500.
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    根结线虫卵壳主要由几丁质和蛋白质构成。寄生根结线虫卵或产毒真菌产生几丁质酶特性是评价食线虫真菌生物防治潜力的重要生化指标之一。利用还原糖法和pNP法分别测定绿粘帚霉(Gliocladium virens)的几丁质酶的内切酶和外切酶活性。第14d内切酶活性达到最高值,其酶活为53.1μmol/h mL;外切酶活性第26d达到高峰,其酶活为0.432μmol/h mL。利用活性染色电泳测其几丁质酶的分子量分别为75.8kDa、42.8kDa和39.6kDa。表明筛选到的绿粘帚霉CFCC80915菌株具有较高产生几丁质酶的活性。绿粘帚霉12d的培养滤液对根结线虫卵孵化7d后的抑制率达到92.9%。显微观察线虫卵壳变形和破坏情况的结果表明,绿粘帚霉CFCC80915产生的几丁质酶可以引起根结线虫卵壳的裂解,抑制根结线虫卵的孵化。
  • 张剑峰, 郝文胜, 于嘉林, 张鹤龄, 李天然, 张子义, 门福义
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 501-508.
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    用克隆的特异性切割马铃薯卷叶病毒(Potato leaf roll virus,PLRV)复制酶基因负链RNA的二价核酶基因,构建植物表达载体pROKⅡ/DR,经土壤农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导叶盘法转化马铃薯外植体,获得再生植株。PCR和Southern-blot检测,证明目的基因已成功地导入马铃薯再生植株,其转化率约为14.5%,并能够在无性繁殖后代植株中稳定存在。RT-PCR检测表明,再生马铃薯植株中的二价核酶基因可以转录表达。经病毒接种的转基因马铃薯株系L5、L7、L8和J-1的无性繁殖后代在继发感染中仍表现出较高的抗病性,为最终获得抗PLRV马铃薯新品系打下了基础。
  • 陈国华, 肖罗, 张双庆, 杨宇红, 谢丙炎
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 509-513.
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    促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK)在线虫的生长发育等方面具有重要作用,本研究探索利用RNAi技术沉默南方根结线虫mapk-1基因来抑制线虫的生长发育。根据mapk-1基因的cDNA序列设计引物,通过体外转录合成约550bp的dsRNA对南方根结线虫的卵进行RNAi以沉默mapk-1基因。试验结果表明,将南方根结线虫的卵块浸泡在含有2mg/mL dsRNA的M9缓冲溶液中,24h后卵块孵化出的2龄幼虫数量明显多于对照组(无dsRNA),但孵化出的幼虫死亡率高达90%,而对照组的死亡率低于5%,说明mapk-1基因的沉默抑制了卵块的孵化和线虫的生长,同时将孵化的幼虫接种番茄,14d后番茄根部无根结产生,35d后无卵块产生;而浸泡72h后卵块孵化出的2龄幼虫几乎全部死亡,并且孵化的线虫数量明显少于对照。提取导入dsRNA的卵块的RNA进行半定量PCR分析,结果表明mapk-1基因的mRNA被降解。
  • 致病性与抗病性遗传
  • 梁晨, 赵洪海, 吕国忠, 李保华, 李宝笃
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 514-520.
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    在离体条件下,选择了6种白粉菌和49个白粉寄生孢(Ampelomyces quisqualis)菌株进行致病性测定,结果表明,白粉寄生孢菌株之间存在致病性分化且差异极显著,致病性分化主要与寄主真菌和寄主植物有关,而与地理来源相关性不大。研究同时表明,白粉寄生孢有一定的寄生专化性。
  • 李强, 胡茂林, 井金学, 王保通, 宋晓贺
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 521-525.
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  • 植物病害及其防治
  • 任红敏, 王树桐, 胡同乐, 杨军玉, 魏建健, 曹克强
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 526-531.
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    采用子叶喷雾法分别测定了大黄酚(chrysophanol)对黄瓜白粉病菌(Sphaerotheca fuliginea)的保护和治疗生物活性。结果表明,大黄酚能有效降低黄瓜白粉病的病情指数,其保护和治疗作用的EC50分别为0.23μg/mL和25.88μg/mL,对照药剂50%硫磺悬浮剂保护作用的EC50为59.75μg/mL,10%苯咪甲环唑可湿性水分散粒剂治疗作用的EC50为13.55μg/mL。在此基础上,利用2.4μg/mL大黄酚溶液处理黄瓜子叶24h后接种白粉病菌,在不同时段对病组织进行透明染色观察白粉病菌的变化情况。结果发现,大黄酚可有效降低黄瓜白粉病菌分生孢子的萌发率和萌发芽管个数,并能抑制菌丝的生长以及降低新生分生孢子的个数。接菌后24h,清水对照萌发率为66.6%,而大黄酚处理后的孢子不萌发;接菌后48h,对照菌丝的平均长度为414.7μm,大黄酚处理的菌丝平均长度为40.1μm;接菌后144h,对照的新生分生孢子串最多为8个孢子,大部分为6-7个,而大黄酚处理后的新生分生孢子串孢子个数最多为2个,大部分为1个。接菌7d后对照的病情指数为72.2,大黄酚处理组的病情指数仅为2.1,其保护作用防治效果达到97.1%,远高于50%硫磺悬浮剂65.4%的防效。
  • 研究简报
  • 王颖, 陈枝楠, 赵巍巍, 程颖慧, 章桂明
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 532-535.
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    The technique of TaqMan MGB real-time fluorescent PCR was established to detect Diaporthe phaseolorum var.caulivora (DPC) and D. phaseolorum var.meridionalis (DPM). The primers and TaqMan MGB probes were designed based on the ITS of DPC, DPM, D. phaseolorum var. sojae and Phomopsis longicolla. A series of genomic DNA dilution were used to detect sensitivity of the technique, the results showed that the limits of detection for DPM and DPC were 7 fg/μL and 6 fg/μL DNA respectively.
  • 宋文静, 董金皋
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 536-539.
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    Factors of influence on conidium germination and appressorium formation of Setosphaeria turcica,such as light condition,conidial concentration,nutrient resources and pH value of conidial suspension were studied.There was no significant difference among light treatments.The optimal pH for conidium germination and appressorium formation was 5.0 to 7.0.The exogenous nutrient sources were not the indispensable factors for conidium germination,but 5% sugar solution were more favorable for appressorium formation than the others.Low conidial concentration in suspension (conidia ≤ 104/mL) was propitious to conidium germination and appressorium formation,which were inhibited significantly in higher concentration.It was suggested that the phenomenon was due to the self-inhibitor,a kind of lipophilic substance,existing in the site of conidium germination.
  • 陈佳, 朱芹芹, 袁从阳, 孙作文, 李向东, 周涛, 范在丰
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 540-543.
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    Four isolates of Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) were collected from the maize plants showing rough dwarf symptom in Linyi and Tai'an,Shandong province.The S10 genomic sequences of these isolates were determined and compared with those of 14 other RBSDV isolates.All of the four sequences were 1 801 base pairs (bp) long including the 5'-UTR of 21 bp and the 3'-UTR of 103 bp.They all contained an open reading frame of 1 677 bp (22-1698),encoding the coat protein (CP) of 558 amino acids.The sequences of these four RBSDV isolates and those of the major cp gene of 14 other isolates available in the GenBank were divided into two groups in the phylogenetic tree.Recombination analysis indicated that the isolate Lym2 was likely a recombinant of isolates Lym1 and Zhjs.
  • 刘嘉, 李博强, 秦国政, 田世平
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 544-548.
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    After being onto 22nd recoverable satellite of China for 18-day spaceflight under microgravity condition,me growth and pathogenicity of PeniciUium expansum were investigated.Spore germination rate of the spaceflight pathogen was insignificantly lower than that of the ground control.After germination,germ tube elongation of spaceflight pathogen was slower,as well as mycelia growth.However,there was no significant difference according to independent-samples T-test.The consistent results were obtained in vivo.The space. flight pathogen exhibited a little weaker pathogenicity in peach fruit.These findings suggested that the microgravity reduced the growth and pathogenicity of P.expansum.but the effect Was not marked.
  • 高金萍, 王超, 刘英
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 549-552.
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    One hundred and forty-four F2 individuals from a cross combination between 1047 (susceptible) and A21 (resistant) were analyzed for the presence of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) resistant gene in cabbage by using bulked segregant analysis (BSA).Two polymorphic markers were screened out of 200 random primers.These two RAPD fragments were linked to the resistant gene at 7.7 cM and 8.38 cM respectively and converted to SCAR markers successfully.
  • 叶广继, 孙海宏, 周云, 杨永智, 王舰
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 553-556.
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    50 isolates of Phytophthora infestans potato plants were collected and tested with 11 monogene R1-R11 of potato late blight differential host in Qinghai province from 2006 to 2007.The results showed that there were 15 races in the Haidong Region of Qinghai province and the dominant race was race 3.4.10 with frequency of 36.0%.They were distributed in all collection areas.Race 3.10 with frequency of 16.0% was distributed in Huzu,Ledu,Huangyuan,Datong and Ping'an.Race 3 with frequency of 10.0% was distributed in Huzhu,Xunhua,Huangyuan and Xining.
  • 冯淑杰, 杨媚, 周登博, 周而勋
    植物病理学报. 2008, 38(5): 557-560.
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    A total of 136 fungal and 86 bacterial isolates were isolated from the sclerotia of Rhizoctonia solani,collected from three different sources.These fungal isolates were identified as the following 12 genera:Alternaria,Aspergillus,Cladosporium,Coniothyrium,Curvularia,Gliocladium,Fusarium,Metarhizium,Peni-cillium,Phoma,Phytophthora and Trichoderma.Some isolates of Trichoderma and Gliocladium were found to inhibit the growth of R.solani strongly in vitro.Among the 86 bacterial isolates,20 of them could inhibit the growth of R.solani,whereas 5 isolates were found to promote the growth of mycelia and the formation of sclerotia of R.solani.These bacterial isolates with antagonistic actives to R.solani were identified as Bacillus and Pseudomonas.